
Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2021

To Be an Artist : Musicians, Visual Artists, Writers, and Dancers Speak (1617510041)

To Be An Artist is a conversation with today's successful and prominent artists from a variety of disciplines¿musicians, visual artists, digital artists, poets, writers, activists and scholars. All of them discuss what it means to be an artist today, how they perceive their craft and their world, and the role of art in society. They agree that artists¿ creativity and success come not only from the intense focus on their craft, but, also, from their development of a worldview¿from their wider vision and understanding of the world in which they live. The ideal text book for first semester seminars as well as for introductory liberal arts and humanities courses for students in the arts. Product details Format Paperback | 220 pages ...

Subjectivity across Media : Interdisciplinary and Transmedial Perspectives (9781138186750)

Media in general and narrative media in particular have the potential to represent not only a variety of both possible and actual worlds but also the perception and consciousness of characters in these worlds. Hence, media can be understood as "qualia machines," as technologies that allow for the production of subjective experiences within the affordances and limitations posed by the conventions of their specific mediality. This edited collection examines the transmedial as well as the medium-specific strategies employed by the verbal representations characteristic for literary texts, the verbal-pictorial representations characteristic for comics, the audiovisual representations characteristic for films, and the interactive representations characteristic for video games. Combining theoretical perspectives from analytic philosophy, cognitive theory, and narratology with approaches from phenomenology, psychosemiotics, and social semiotics, the contributions collected in this vo...

Health Insurance (9781640551602)

Health insurance is the machinery that makes the financing of the US health system run. But what's going on under the hood? Health Insurance helps readers learn the underlying assumptions, facts, and variables that drive decision-making and choices on the payer side. Picking up where introductory economics courses often leave off, the book presents the foundational economic principles of health insurance to clarify insurance-related policy and management issues. Author Michael A. Morrisey clearly explains complex concepts such as adverse selection, moral hazard, managed care, and employer-sponsored health insurance. Also addressed are risk adjustment, demand, health savings accounts, selective contracting, the diversity of health insurance markets, and the functioning of Medicare and Medicaid. The book is distinguished by its in-depth discussion of research in health insurance, both cutting edge and classic. This third edition has been substantially revised to reflect the rapid evo...

Ketotarian : The (Mostly) Plant-Based Plan to Burn Fat, Boost Your Energy, Crush Your Cravings, and Calm Inflammation (0525537171)

A Goop Book Club Pick A new twist on keto: The fat-burning power of ketogenic eating meets the clean green benefits of a plant-centric plate The keto craze is just getting warmed up. The ketogenic diet kick-starts your body's metabolism so it burns fat, instead of sugar, as its primary fuel. But most ketogenic plans are meat- and dairy-heavy, creating a host of other problems, especially for those who prefer plants at the center of the plate. Dr. Will Cole comes to the rescue with Ketotarian, which has all the fat-burning benefits without the antibiotics and hormones that are packed into most keto diets. First developed for individuals suffering from seizures, keto diets have been shown to reduce inflammation and lower the risk of many chronic health problems including Alzheimer's and some cancers. Adding a plant-based twist, Ketotarian includes more than 75 recipes that are vegetarian, vegan, or pescatarian, offering a range of delicious and healthy choices for achieving weig...

Aus Syrien geflüchtet : Ein autobiografischer Jugendroman (3834638056)

Roman für Jugendliche von 13-16 Jahren, auch als Klassenlektüre an weiterführenden Schulen geeignet, Fach: Deutsch, DaZ, Klasse 8-10 +++ K.L.A.R.-reality bedeutet: 100 Prozent autobiografische Geschichten, erzählt von jungen Menschen mit teils schweren Einzelschicksalen. Die Romane sind von Jugendlichen für Jugendliche geschrieben und werden bei Ihren Schülern das Lesefieber entfachen, denn nichts ist spannender als Geschichten aus dem realen Leben. Der einfache Aufbau der Autobiografien, mit kurzen Kapiteln, leicht verständlichem Vokabular und einer alltagsnahen Sprache, sorgt für einen schnellen Leseerfolg, der Ihre Schüler nach dem Unterricht auch zu Hause weiterlesen lässt. Die Jugendbücher sind somit ideal für die Leseförderung in der Sekundarstufe und können von Lehrern als Schullektüre an Förderschulen, Hauptschulen, Realschulen und Gesamtschulen eingesetzt werden. Zum Inhalt: Seif ist 20 und lebt seit fast zwei Jahren als Flüchtling in Deutschland. Als 2011 die Unruhen in Syrie...

Intermediate Accounting (0134730372)

For courses in intermediate accounting. Help students think like accountants -- from the first day of class through their careers Thinking like an accountant isn't just rote memorization of accounting rules. Rather, it's developing the judgment and decision-making skills needed to form accounting estimates and evaluate financial statements critically. With its focus on conceptual framework fundamentals and critical thinking, Gordon, Raedy, and Sannella's Intermediate Accounting, 2nd Edition gives readers the opportunity to develop problem-solving skills, apply their judgment, and work with real company financials. After mastering these essential skills, students will be ready to pass the CPA exam, and able to think like accountants. Also available with MyLab Accounting By combining trusted authors' content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student. Note: You are purchasing a standalone...

How To Get A Man To Cherish You...If You're His Wife : A no-nonsense guide for every wife or bride-to-be. (0998018910)

Being his wife is only the beginning... Do you long to be adored, treasured, valued, and held dear by your husband? It's not too late! How to Get a Man to Cherish You...if You're His Wife will help you change the way you're treated by the man you love. You'll start by hitting the RESET button on your relationship. I will give you strategies and practical ways to tap into and maximize your own feminine energy for the good of your marriage. You deserve the love you've always desired. This is a must read for every wife and bride-to-be! Being his wife is only the beginning. Every woman wants to be cherished by her husband. How to Get a Man to Cherish You shows you how to create this reality in your own marriage. Order Your Copy Today! Product details Format Paperback ...

The Apollo Guidance Computer : Architecture and Operation (1441908765)

The technological marvel that facilitated the Apollo missions to the Moon was the on-board computer. In the 1960s most computers filled an entire room, but the spacecraft's computer was required to be compact and low power. Although people today find it difficult to accept that it was possible to control a spacecraft using such a 'primitive' computer, it nevertheless had capabilities that are advanced even by today's standards. This is the first book to fully describe the Apollo guidance computer's architecture, instruction format and programs used by the astronauts. As a comprehensive account, it will span the disciplines of computer science, electrical and aerospace engineering. However, it will also be accessible to the 'space enthusiast'. In short, the intention is for this to be the definitive account of the Apollo guidance computer. Frank O'Brien's interest in the Apollo program began as a serious amateur historian. About 12 years ago, ...

Papa Weidt (3766624237)

Schindlers Liste en miniature und zugleich ein kleines, aber eindrucksvolles Beispiel von Zivilcourage. Inge Deutschkron setzt mit diesem Buch einem ihrer rettenden Helfer, dem Besenbinder Otto Weidt, ein eindrucksvolles Denkmal. Product details Format Hardback | 36 pages Dimensions 213 x 281 x 6mm | 341g Publication date ...

Hackeo Mental : Como Cambiar Tu Mente, Volverte Un Maestro De Tus Emociones, Lograr Las Metas Que Deseas Y Comenzar a Vivir Con Todo Tu Potencial (9783903331907)

¿Están cansados de ver pasar sus vidas? Presten mucha atención a esto, porque la vida de sus sueños está más cerca de lo que piensan... Todos hemos estado ahí, la vida es abrumadora, complicada, confusa, y sí, dentro de todo, aparentemente todavía tienen todo lo que una persona debería necesitar. sentirse feliz y realizado. Pero por alguna razón, simplemente no se sienten así. Horas dedicadas a tratar de resolverlo, en vano. Días y semanas, incluso meses después de intentar técnica tras técnica y táctica de crecimiento personal tras táctica de crecimiento personal, sin obtener nada. Hay un vacío dentro de ustedes del que parece que no pueden escapar y no importa lo que hagan, parece que sigue empeorando. Si esto les suena extrañamente familiar, me gustaría que se tomaran un momento conmigo, mientras reconocemos juntos que no tiene por qué ser así. Pueden tener la vida de sus sueños. Pueden dominar sus emociones y comenzar a vivir honestamente a su máximo potencial. O tal vez nada de lo...

Voices from the Bayou : Baton Rouge Students Confront Racism, Police Brutality, and a Historic Flood (1542932718)

When Professor Clarence Nero and his teaching colleagues walked into their classrooms for the first time after the tumultuous summer of 2016-a summer that in Baton Rouge had seen the murders of Alton Sterling and innocent police officers as well as a vast and historic flood-they had no idea what to expect from students. This wasn't any ordinary semester at Baton Rouge Community College. Many enrolled students had lost their homes due to flooding; most were still reeling from the shootings and the subsequent protests and riots that rocked the capital city. There were students who had been traumatized in ways that defied simple explanations. Not only did Professor Nero understand that they were pain-he had lived with and through the same hellish nightmare that summer-he was determined to let them give expression to their experiences and reactions. Having seen this type of racial tension fuel students' creativity in the film Freedom Writers, based on actual classroom experiences ...

Autobiography of A.B. Granville; Being Eighty-Eight Years of the Life of a Physician. Edited with a Brief Account of the Last Years of His Life; Volume 2 (9781360478043)

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservati...

Clever Möbel kaufen : Qualität erkennen und vergleichen, den günstigsten Preis herausholen (3947557019)

Sie wollen weniger Geld für Ihre neuen Möbel bezahlen? Dabei aber auf Qualität nicht verzichten? Clever Möbel kaufen bietet Ihnen 99 Tipps, mit denen Ihr Möbelkauf zum stolzen Gewinn wird - Gewinn durch hohe Einsparungen und langlebige Qualität, die Sie mit einfachen Tests wirksam selbst geprüft haben. Die Möbelexperten Heinz G. und Olaf Günther verraten Ihnen - wie Sie den niedrigsten Preis herausholen - wie Sie die Möbelqualität selbst fachmännisch beurteilen - was hinter Blendwerk steckt (z.B. Sonderangebote, Räumungsverkäufe, Rabatte und Prozente) - was im Kaufvertrag drinstehen muss und was nicht - wie Sie Reklamationen erfolgreich hinter sich bringen Die Hintergrundinfos über fast alle Möbelbereiche (Polster- und Kastenmöbel, Tische und Stühle, Matratzen, Marken- und Designermöbel etc.) werden leicht verständlich dargestellt mit Beispielen, Grafiken und Bildern. Mit diesem einzigartigen Ratgeber wird Ihr Möbelkauf zu einem Kauferlebnis der besonderen Art! ...

Social Networks and Organizations (0761969578)

`The authors should be congratulated for not only offering an excellent tour de force of cutting-edge work in social network analysis, but also charting some new possible territories for future organizational research' - Environment and Planning Social Networks and Organizations provides a compact introduction to major concepts in the area of organizational social networks. The book covers the rudiments of methods, explores major debates, and directs attention to theoretical directions, including a vigorous critique of some taken-for-granted assumptions. The book is aimed at all of those who seek a lucid and lively treatment of social network approaches to organizational research, with a particular emphasis on the neglected area of interpersonal networks in organizations. In this book, Martin Kilduff and Wenpin Tsai offer new insights to those already familiar with network analysis, and motivate those interested in pursuing network research to embark on journeys of discovery. `Thi...

Deutsch rapid. Deutsch - Polnisch : Selbstlernkurs Deutsch für Anfänger. 2 CDs, 1 Lehrbuch (120 S., ilustr.), 1 Grammatikbogen (3190074674)

Zielniveau A1 Von einem muttersprachlichen Moderator begleitet, eignet sich der Lerner schnell wichtige Basiskenntnisse der deutschen Sprache an, die er für die Kommunikation im Alltag und im Beruf braucht. Der Moderator führt den Lerner von den Dialogen zum Wortschatz, der Grammatik und den Übungen zu den Tests. Die Audio-CDs ermöglichen bequemes Lernen zu jeder Zeit an jedem Ort - ob zu Hause, unterwegs oder im Auto. Product details Format Paperback | 122 pages Dimensions 156 x 218 x 44mm ...

How To Make Someone Obsessed With You (9781387151028)

You've witnessed the power that obsession has over people. People will do anything for someone they are obsessed with. Fans will travel across the world to see a celebrity they are obsessed with. A person will become a slave to someone they are obsessed with. Many people are immune to subtle signs of manipulation. The only thing people are not immune to, is falling in love, and obsession. A person obsessed with you, is a person under your control. Scarlett Kennedy uncovers the real causes of obsession, how to take advantage of it, the common types of people in the world, and how you can make them obsessed with you. Because not one size fits all. Scarlett also creates personality profiles for her targets and documents what has worked and what hasn't worked. As well as the dangers of holding all the power in your hands. Product details Format ...

Insight Guides South Korea (Travel Guide with Free eBook) (1780059310)

One of the world's most exciting and cutting-edge countries, South Korea is a fascinating East Asian powerhouse, where ancient temples rub up alongside dazzling technology. Be inspired to visit by the new edition of Insight Guide South Korea, a comprehensive full-colour guide to all that's weird and wonderful about the country. Inside Insight Guide South Korea A new edition by expert authors. Stunning photography that brings this fascinating country and its people to life. Highlights of the country's top attractions, including captivating former capital Gyeongju, the Unesco World Heritage Site of Haein-sa Temple and the still-relevant DMZ in our Best of South Korea. Descriptive region-by-region accounts cover the whole country, from pulsating Seoul to the remote islands of the Jeolla Provinces. Detailed, high-quality maps throughout will help you get around and travel tips give you all the essential information for planning a memorable trip. About Insight Guides: Ins...

How to Choose a Husband : And Make Peace With Marriage (9781936488582)

It's been forty years since the sexual revolution, and the women of America have everything they want. Everything, that is, except a husband. Women may be schooled in the art of sex, but they have failed in the art of love. In How to Choose a Husband, social critic and best-selling author Suzanne Venker says American women need a detox. If they want to be happy, or just plain satisfied, they must do a 180 when it comes to their attitude toward sex, courtship, and married life. If they do, marriageable men will reappear - and women will find the love that eludes them. Product details Format Hardback | 170 pages Dimensions ...

Meine allerersten Tastenträume 4 : Klavierschule (3940069604)

Im Abschlussband werden Themen wie Artikulation, Homophonie, Polyphonie, Septakkord und Umkehrungen, Erweiterung des Oktavraums und vieles mehr behandelt. Product details Format Pamphlet | 68 pages Dimensions 228 x 299 x 8mm | 296g Publication date 24 Nov 2008 ...